
Benefits of using EID tags for sheep

Benefits of using EID tags for sheep

There are many potential flock and cost management benefits of electronic identification (EID) for sheep producers to use on the farm. Find out mo...

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Better raising of pasture fed lambs

Better raising of pasture-fed lambs

Realising the genetic potential of your lambs is very dependent on their efficiently converting feed to liveweight gain. This efficiency is underp...

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Autumn Issues - Drenching at Weaning

Autumn Issues - Drenching at Weaning

As weaning fast approaches it is a good chance to review the animal health challenges from the previous years and make a plan for this season. Eac...

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Getting your lambs off to a fast start

Getting your lambs off to a fast start

If we are serious about increasing the efficiency and sustainability of our operations, then performance recording and benchmarking to identify op...

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